Thermal and chemical stability of low GWP refrigerants is study aim
12th August 2020USA: The Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute’s research arm is to study the thermal and chemical stability of low GWP refrigerants with lubricants, and their long-term compatibility with materials.
Trane Technologies will conduct the testing of low-GWP refrigerants in sealed-glass tubes, in accordance with ASHRAE Standard 97 and ageing studies.
In 2019, AHRTI received $2m funding from the US Department of Energy’s Building Technology Office to carry out a research programme on developing an essential low-GWP refrigerant database, in collaboration with Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
It is intended that it will provide US manufacturers with accurate refrigerant data to design, manufacture, and commercialise efficient and reliable HVACR products using more environmentally-friendly refrigerants. Refrigerant and lubricant stability and compatibility are essential to that programme.
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