SIRACH workshop at IIR Congress
9th July 2015UK: The UK’s SIRACH network is to host a workshop on differing global approaches to innovation at the forthcoming IIR International Congress of Refrigeration in Japan.
Established by the UK industry in 2008, and now part of the Institute of Refrigeration, SIRACH (Sustainable Innovation in Refrigeration Air Conditioning and Heat) has concentrated on innovation in the UK and Europe. However, the ways in which innovative projects are carried out and developed can vary around the world. This workshop will compare how innovation is approached in the UK, Japan and the USA and compare the differences and similarities and look to understand the drivers for success.
Speakers will include Dr Graeme Maidment, president of the IoR, Dr Andy Pearson of Star Refrigeration, Prof Pega Hrnjak of the University of Illinois and Prof Emeritus Koichi Watanabe of Keio University.
They will explore the main drivers for innovation, what environment nurtures innovation and how is it created, what interventions and drivers are there that help innovative products succeed and what role culture plays in innovation.
The workshop will take place on August 20, during the 24th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration, taking place in Yokohama.