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Prices rise for R410A and R134a

EUROPE: Latest figures show the prices of higher GWP refrigerants R410A and R134a rose by 15% and 8%, respectively, in Q4 of 2022 compared to Q3.

According to the latest European refrigerant price figures from Öko Recherche, R134a and R410A prices are up to five times higher than the baseline in 2014. R404A is up to 13 times higher depending on the supply chain level. 

Current selling prices of European producers are almost four times higher for R134a compared to Chinese producer prices.

At the distributor level, prices of “natural” refrigerants R290 and R744 have increased by 105% and 21%, respectively since the beginning of 2019, while prices of the HFC/HFO blends R449A, R448A and R452A have decreased by 10%, 14% and 14% over the same period.

“Natural” refrigerants are, however, still considerably cheaper. For example, current R448A and R449A prices are around 24 times higher compared with R744.

Refrigerant supply in the EU market is reported to be quite stable currently, although there were some indications of limited regional availability, mostly related to R1234ze. 

Increases have been seen in prices of quota authorisations, with prices ranging from 14.5 to almost €16/tonne CO2e. Average authorisation prices have increased by around 16 % compared to Q3.

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