K-CEP support for climate-friendly cooling moves
12th December 2020USA: The Kigali Cooling Efficiency Program (K-CEP) has announced funding for 10 countries to support a move to climate-friendly cooling.
The countries – Jordan, Ethiopia, Cambodia, Viet Nam, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Pakistan, Morocco, Chile, and Tunisia – will all receive funding, via technical assistance providers, to improve the access to, and/or efficiency of, cooling in their respective countries.
Funding will come from K-CEP’s NDC Support Facility, launched in January 2020 to provide funding and guidance in support of governments wanting to integrate energy-efficient and climate-friendly cooling solutions into the next round of their country’s nationally determined contributions (NDCs).
Updated every five years, NDCs are the foundation of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and embody each country’s efforts to reduce national emission levels.
The K-CEP is supporting the countries that have committed to include efficient, climate-friendly cooling solutions in their enhanced NDCs, or in the case of Chile, its long-term climate plan.
K-CEP executive director Jessica Brown described it as “a triple win”.
“By implementing efficient, climate-friendly cooling, governments can cut greenhouse gas emissions, improve the lives of their citizens, and realise huge financial savings. Not only can it help in the fight against climate change by helping countries meet Paris Agreement and Kigali Amendment targets, but getting cooling right can also make a significant contribution to the achievement of several sustainable development goals,” she said.
The NDC Support Facility has up to US$12m available for technical assistance to improve access to and the efficiency of cooling in developing countries. Funding will be awarded to organisations that are able to provide technical assistance and other forms of support to eligible Article 5 countries, including Kigali Amendment Group 2 countries, such as India, that are making new cooling commitments in their strengthened NDCs.