Daikin sees air conditioning sales rise 5%
10th November 2019JAPAN: Daikin’s worldwide air conditioning sales saw a 5% increase in the first half of the 2019 fiscal year, with expansion in Japan, the Americas, Europe, and Asia.
Total air conditioning sales of JPY1,234.4bn ($11.3bn) contributed to overall Daikin Group sales of JPY1,354.2bn ($12.4bn), up 4% on the first half of the 2018 fiscal year.
Europe lead the way, with the introduction of lower GWP R32 across its residential, commercial and applied systems business, boosting air conditioning and refrigeration sales by 13% to JPY188.7bn ($1.73bn). Although sales declined in Turkey, the addition of the AHT refrigeration business at the beginning of the year had a positive effect, the company says. Residential sales were boosted by this summer’s European heat wave, particularly in France and Germany, while sales of its commercial SkyAir R32 models expanded in most European countries.
In the Americas, price increases and cost reductions helped offset the impact of increased duties created by the China-US trade friction. As a result, AC sales rose 8% to JPY369.4bn ($3.38bn) compared to 2018.
AC sales in Japan rose 7% to JPY268.7bn ($2.63bn), while Asia also performed well, seeing a 6% increase to JPY148.7bn ($1.36bn).