LRS announces varied talks for 2014/15
19th August 2014UK: Roger Palamarczuk of Humidity Solutions will kick-off the new season of talks and activities organised by the London Refrigeration Society.
The new programme includes talks on a broad range of subjects including chiller technology, refrigeration system analysis and there’s also a joint meeting planned with the Institute of Refrigeration on comparison of industrial evaporative and air cooled condensers.
As in previous years, the meetings (except the joint IoR meeting) will be held in the lower bar at Chimes Wine Bar, 26 Churton Street, Pimlico, London SW1V 2LP. Membership costs just £10 for the year.
This year’s calendar of meetings:
Wednesday September 11 – Roger Palamarczuk of Humidity Solutions
Thursday October 9 – Warren Clark of Hitachi – Chiller Technology
Thursday November 13 – Luke Parry of Fairfield Technologies – Refrigeration System Analyser
Thursday December 4 – Joint meeting with the IOR
Venue: University College London, Gower Street, WC1E 6BT
Speakers: John Clark MInstR and Angus Gillies MInstR – Comparison of evaporative and air cooled condensers in industrial applications for design engineers
Thursday January 8 – Mark Taylor of Camfil
February TBC – Tony Fitzgerald – Overseas Medical Mission to Ethiopia
OR Julian Williams of Tower Systems – Cooling Tower Technology
Thursday March 12 – Keith Sweatman of Airdale – Innovations in Refrigeration
Thursday April 9 – Annual Walk around London with our Blue Badge Guide.
Further details on all events can be found on the Society’s website