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Heat pump types explained

UK: BESA has produced a new technical bulletin on the benefits and drawbacks of different types of heat pump as a useful guide for end users and non technical persons.

Although the demand for, and take-up of, heat pumps looks set to soar, an understanding of the technology is still lacking. Even professionals who understand the technology can be confused by the differences between the various heat pump technologies.

BESA’s Technical Bulletin TB054 is aimed at end users, specifiers and non-technical persons, civil servants, politicians and policy makers who frequently refer to “heat pumps” when they are actually only referring to one type: air to water monoblock domestic type units. It sets out to explain the advantages and drawbacks of the various heat pump types: air-to-air, air-to-water, ground source/geothermal and open loop water source. As well as explaining their differences it also discusses how they can be applied in practice.

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