FG Eurofred name reverts to Fujitsu
1st March 2016UK: FG Eurofred, UK distributor of Fujitsu air conditioning, is to change its name back to Fujitsu General Air Conditioning (UK) Ltd from March 7.
The decision reverses the name change made in 2007 when the Japanese manufacturer controversially formed the UK joint venture with its largest European distributor, the Spanish-based Eurofred Group.
Eurofred had entered the UK market the previous year in direct competition with Fujitsu’s established UK distributor network.
Announcing the decision to revert to the original name, Ian Carroll, sales and marketing director said: “This decision removes any confusion about our name and reaffirms our commitment to the UK as it has become clear that not having the highly recognisable name “Fujitsu” in our company title has not made the most of an extremely strong world-wide brand.
“The new name gives us the opportunity to underline what’s important to our customers. Brand recognition backed by renowned Fujitsu quality. We have so much to shout about this year which happens to coincide with the 30th anniversary of Fujitsu General starting its air conditioning business in the UK.”