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Toshiba DesignAIRS provides flexible VRF solution

UK: A phased installation has allowed a specialist communications company to fund replacing an ageing ad-hoc air conditioning system with the latest VRF.

Basingstoke-based Multitone Electronics had plans to upgrade its mix of independent split systems that were proving unreliable and expensive to run. However, while the company was attracted to a Toshiba heat recovery VRF whole-building solution, full replacement in a single one-off project was beyond the company’s budget.

Adopting a creative approach, local contractor Comfort Building Services split the project proposal into three-phases, enabling progressive replacement of existing systems with a state-of-the-art Toshiba Super Heat Recovery Multi-e (SHRMe) VRF system over a two-year period.

Kris Carter, service manager at Comfort Building Services, admitted it was the first time the company had used Toshiba equipment and the Toshiba DesignAIRS selection software tool. 

“It was the first time we had used Toshiba equipment, and we were very impressed by its innovative features and ease of installation,” he said. “We also found the company’s DesignAirs system extremely useful as a design tool.”

DesignAirs enabled Comfort Building Services to plan the replacement system in phases, structured to address the end user’s priorities, with the first phase focused on R&D and customer-facing areas, and then working through back office and production areas. 

“It enabled us to keep costs within budget at each stage, while delivering a total building solution, with all the efficiency and comfort benefits this provides,” he added.

Indoor units included a combination of ceiling cassettes, floor-mounted and high-wall units, with hard-wired wall-mounted controllers in each area. Phases one and two of the project have been completed, and the final phase is scheduled to commence in the coming months.

“On the strength of the success with Multitone, we have already secured another Toshiba project,” said Carter. “Many contractors are reluctant to work in this phased way, as it requires detailed planning to ensure everything works as a single combined system when completed. However, Toshiba’s DesignAirs is a great tool and makes this approach pretty straightforward. We will continue to use this approach in the future, as we think it has great potential to win new business.”

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